Seller Policy Pages

 ALBBSHOP Seller Service Agreement


Version effective date: December 31, 2020



Notes to sellers:




After applying to register as a seller, you need to complete the store settings and payment settings. After the setup is completed, contact the exclusive customer for review. After the review is completed, the product can be uploaded.



Sellers must complete order delivery within 48 hours to avoid deducting store reputation points. If it exceeds 48 hours, credit points will be deducted and a deposit will be paid.




For the sake of ALBBSHOP's service quality and the interests of consumers, please do not intentionally cancel or postpone orders. When your reputation score reaches 12 points, your store will be banned.



Methods to lift the account ban: 1. Pay a deposit; 2. Complete the delivery of all orders; 3. Customer orders must be completed normally for three consecutive days.




If your store does not have products on the shelves, and there are no products in the store for a long time, the store operation rights will be terminated. If you still need to operate next time, you need to pay a deposit to move in.




Prompt terms




You are welcome to sign this "ALBBSHOP Seller Service Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") with the ALBBSHOP seller service provider (see definition terms for details) and use ALBBSHOP seller services!




Before you use the ALBBSHOP seller service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), you should read and agree to abide by this agreement. This agreement includes the main text and attachments of the agreement, the "Consumer Protection Service Agreement" and all ALBBSHOP related rules ( See definitions clause for details).




This agreement is a split and revised version of the "ALBBSHOP Platform Service Agreement". From the date of the release of this agreement, the ALBBSHOP seller-related contents in the "ALBBSHOP Platform Service Agreement" referred to everywhere in ALBBSHOP refer to this agreement.




The index keywords listed before each service term are only to help you understand the gist of the term and will not affect or limit the meaning or interpretation of the terms of this agreement. In order to protect your own rights and interests, it is recommended that you carefully read the specific expressions of each clause.



[Read carefully] Before you click to agree to this agreement during the store creation process, you should carefully read the entire content of this agreement (especially the terms exempting or limiting liability, termination of agreement, liability for breach of contract, dispute resolution, etc.). If you have any questions about the agreement, you can consult ALBBSHOP customer service, and ALBBSHOP will explain the terms to you.



[Signing Action] When you click to sign this agreement online, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted all the contents of this agreement. This agreement will be legally binding between you and ALBBSHOP. If you do not agree with any content of this Agreement or cannot accurately understand the meaning and explanation of the terms, please immediately stop the store creation process or stop store operations.




1. Definition




ALBBSHOP: refers to the e-commerce platform website provided by ALBBSHOP with Internet information services and related software and technical support (the website address is or ALBBSHOP may modify it from time to time according to business needs, including computer or mobile device Internet URL, etc.).




Seller: refers to the legal entity that operates goods or services in ALBBSHOP, and may also be referred to as "you" in this agreement.




Consumer: refers to any natural person or organization who purchases goods or services at ALBBSHOP and uses them for consumption. It can also be called a "buyer".




ALBBSHOP Seller Service Provider: This Agreement may be referred to individually or collectively as "ALBBSHOP".




Seller services: refers to the Internet information services and related software services provided by ALBBSHOP to sellers at ALBBSHOP. Among them, Internet information services are provided by ALBBSHOP, and related software services are provided by ALBBSHOP. The services under this agreement are all provided and terminated at the same time, and the seller cannot order or use them separately.




Rules: refers to all rules, implementation details, interpretations, product process descriptions, announcements, etc. that have been released and will be released subsequently in all ALBBSHOP rules channels, forums, help centers and other sections.




Same user: If the same identity authentication information is used or the actual controller of multiple accounts is determined to be the same person through ALBBSHOP investigation, they will be regarded as the same user.



2. Scope and effectiveness of the agreement



2.1 [Scope of Agreement] The content of this agreement includes the main text and attachments of the agreement, the "Consumer Protection Service Agreement" and all relevant rules that ALBBSHOP has released or subsequently released and notified to you in accordance with the law. The relevant rules of ALBBSHOP are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the main text of this agreement. If you use ALBBSHOP seller services, you are deemed to agree to all the contents of this agreement. Unless otherwise stated or signed, any expansion of service scope or enhancement of software functions by ALBBSHOP for the purpose of improving consumer and seller experience, upgrading platform services, etc. shall be subject to this Agreement.



3. Seller services and specifications




3.1 Account use and information submission




3.1.1 [Account Usage] You must use the ALBBSHOP platform account to log in to ALBBSHOP when using the seller's services. You should keep your account and password information properly. Since your account is associated with your personal information and ALBBSHOP business information, your account can only be used by you. Without the consent of ALBBSHOP, your direct or indirect authorization of a third party to use your ALBBSHOP account or obtain information under your account is invalid. Except for ALBBSHOP's fault, you shall be responsible for the results of all actions under your account (such as signing agreements online, publishing and disclosing information, etc.). All actions completed through your account are deemed to be your own actions or have been fully authorized by you. . If ALBBSHOP determines that the use of your account may endanger the security of your account and/or the security of the ALBBSHOP platform information based on the breach determination procedures and standards agreed in the ALBBSHOP rules, ALBBSHOP may refuse to provide corresponding services or terminate this agreement. protocol.




3.1.2 [Information Submission] If you want to use the services under this agreement, you must submit relevant information and supporting documents in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, ALBBSHOP related rules, page prompts, etc. You understand and agree that you are obliged to ensure that the information and materials you provide are true, legal, accurate and valid, and to update them in a timely manner if there are any changes. Based on relevant laws, regulations, platform management and other requirements, you agree that ALBBSHOP may conduct spot checks on the information and supporting documents you submit from time to time and require you to submit more information or supporting documents for the aforementioned purposes. You understand and acknowledge that ALBBSHOP only reviews applications for seller information, certification documents, store creation, category publishing permissions, etc. based on the general public awareness level. Unless otherwise provided by law, ALBBSHOP will not review the seller's reliance on the review results. We are not responsible for any losses caused.




3.2 Store management



3.2.1 [Store Creation] By creating a store in ALBBSHOP, you can publish new or second-hand product and/or service information and conclude transactions with other users. Based on the management needs of ALBBSHOP, you understand and acknowledge that the same user can only open one store in ALBBSHOP, and ALBBSHOP can close other stores you opened at the same time in ALBBSHOP, unless otherwise provided by the relevant rules of ALBBSHOP except.



3.2.2 [Change of store operating entity] Due to the inseparability of stores and accounts, the change of store operating entity is essentially the transfer of the store operator’s account. For the relevant requirements and restrictions on the change of store operating entity, please apply to 3.2 of the "ALBBSHOP Platform Service Agreement" Article account transfer terms, that is, because the store is associated with your and ALBBSHOP's business information and may involve consumer interests, only if there are express legal provisions, judicial rulings or the consent of ALBBSHOP, and the store operation complies with the ALBBSHOP rules. If the conditions and processes of the entity change, you can change the store operating entity. Once your store operating entity is successfully changed, the rights and obligations under your account will be transferred together. Except for this, your store/account may not be transferred in any way, otherwise ALBBSHOP may terminate the provision of services to the account and has the right to pursue your liability for breach of contract, and the resulting responsibilities and consequences shall be borne by you.



3.2.3 [Shop closure] If you temporarily close your store by removing all products from the shelves, you shall continue to be responsible for the transactions reached before the closure of your store, including shipments, returns and exchanges, warranty repairs, and rights protection and complaint handling. Safeguarding responsibilities.


If your store continues to have no goods for sale within a certain period of time, ALBBSHOP may also close your store in accordance with ALBBSHOP rules. Closing the store in accordance with the above agreement will not affect your accumulated credit.



3.3 Sales and promotion of goods and/or services



3.3.1 [Release of product and/or service information] Through the services provided by ALBBSHOP, you have the right to publish product and/or service information, solicit and explore transactions on ALBBSHOP through text, pictures, videos, audio, etc. objects, and a deal is concluded. You declare and guarantee that you have corresponding and legal rights to the information you publish, that the information you publish and the actions you perform comply with relevant laws and regulations, national mandatory standards and the provisions of this agreement, and that you are responsible for the management of the store. We are obliged to immediately delete any information that appears in your store that violates relevant national laws and regulations and this agreement. Otherwise, ALBBSHOP may delete or block the information you posted in accordance with the law or this agreement.




3.3.2 [Prohibited Information] You should ensure that the information you publish does not contain the following content:


(1) Violating prohibitive provisions of national laws and regulations;


(2) Political propaganda, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or instigation of crime;


(3) Fraudulent, false, inaccurate or misleading;


(4) Infringe on the intellectual property rights of others or involve third-party trade secrets and other proprietary rights;


(5) Insulting, slandering, intimidating, involving other people's privacy, etc. and infringing on other people's legitimate rights and interests;


(6) There are viruses, Trojans, crawlers and other malware and program codes that may damage, tamper with, delete, affect the normal operation of any system of ALBBSHOP, or secretly obtain the data and personal information of ALBBSHOP and other users without authorization;


(7) Other content that goes against social public interests or public morals or is not suitable for publication on ALBBSHOP in accordance with relevant ALBBSHOP agreements and rules.



3.3.3 [Prohibited Sales Scope] You should ensure that you have the corresponding rights to the goods and/or services you publish on ALBBSHOP. You are not allowed to sell the following goods and/or provide the following services on ALBBSHOP:


(1) Prohibited or restricted by the state;


(2) Infringement of other people’s intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests;


(3) ALBBSHOP rules, announcements, notices or separate agreements signed between each platform and you have clearly stated that they are not suitable for sale and/or provision on ALBBSHOP.


Based on the characteristics of the Internet, you understand and know that the products you publish on ALBBSHOP may be browsed and purchased by consumers in different countries and regions around the world. If you have not explicitly instructed to only sell to mainland China, ALBBSHOP will not intervene in possible cross-border sales. In this case, you must carefully pay attention to the relevant laws, taxation and other regulations of the relevant countries and regions, and ensure that you have the legal rights and qualifications to sell, and will not infringe the intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests of others.




3.3.4 [Display, Marketing and Promotion] ALBBSHOP will display the goods and/or services you sell through ALBBSHOP, and provide users with functions such as information classification, keyword retrieval, filtering and collection to better match User needs and corresponding display results may be comprehensively determined by multiple factors such as price, sales volume, inventory, credit evaluation, brand, service level, compliance operations, user demand preferences and search habits, competitiveness, etc.


You have the right to decide on your own how to market and promote your goods and/or services. ALBBSHOP also provides you with a variety of marketing and promotion tools, and will launch marketing activities from time to time based on market demand and the seller's operating conditions. Before you sign up to participate in the above activities, you have fully understood that the qualifications and effects of the activities may be affected by factors such as activity positioning, product/store competitiveness, comprehensive ranking, activity cooperation, etc. Once you choose to sign up, it means that you promise to always Comply with the relevant rules and requirements of the corresponding activities. Without the consent of ALBBSHOP, you promise not to quit midway during the event, so as to jointly ensure a good user experience and the stable and orderly development of the event.



3.3.5 [Transaction Order Guarantee] You should abide by the principle of good faith, ensure that the product and/or service information you publish is true and consistent with the products you actually sell and/or provide services, and perform it effectively during the transaction process. Your transaction commitment.


You shall maintain a healthy competitive order in the ALBBSHOP market, shall not belittle or slander competitors, shall not interfere with any transactions or activities conducted on ALBBSHOP, shall not enhance or attempt to enhance your own credit in any improper manner, and shall not interfere in any way. or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of ALBBSHOP.



3.3.6 [Pay taxes in accordance with the law] Paying taxes in accordance with the law is the obligation of every citizen and enterprise. You should promptly apply to the platform for the portion of sales/turnover that exceeds the statutory exemption amount, and the platform will pay taxes for it.



3.4 Consumer protection




[Responsible Subject] You understand and agree that, as the responsible subject for consumer protection, you should comply with relevant laws and regulations, the "Consumer Protection Service Agreement" and ALBBSHOP related rules to perform various consumer protection obligations, including basic consumer protection Services such as truthful description of products, payment of deposit, etc. are subject to the "Consumer Protection Service Agreement" and relevant ALBBSHOP rules.



3.5 Transaction dispute resolution




[Methods for dealing with transaction disputes] If you have a dispute with other users during the ALBBSHOP transaction, you or any other user has the right to choose the following ways to resolve it:


(1) Negotiate independently with the other party to the dispute;


(2) Use the dispute mediation services provided by ALBBSHOP;


(3) Submit to an arbitration institution for arbitration based on the arbitration agreement (if any) reached with the counterparty to the dispute;




[Platform Mediation Service] If you use ALBBSHOP's dispute mediation service in accordance with ALBBSHOP rules, it means that you acknowledge and are willing to perform ALBBSHOP's customer service or public reviewers ("Mediation Prescription") as an independent third party according to its rules. The dispute facts learned and the mediation decision made in accordance with the ALBBSHOP rules (including adjusting the transaction status of relevant orders, deciding to pay all or part of the disputed amount to one or both parties of the transaction, etc.). If you are dissatisfied with the mediation decision, you still have the right to use other dispute resolution channels to resolve the dispute, but you should still implement the mediation decision before obtaining a final decision through other dispute resolution channels.



3.6 Data use and information authorization, etc.




3.6.1 [General Requirements] Regarding the data generated during your use of this service, ALBBSHOP respects and protects the data rights of you and other relevant subjects in accordance with the law. Under this premise, the relevant rights to the data collected and recorded by ALBBSHOP during your use of this service and other ALBBSHOP operations belong to ALBBSHOP and are ALBBSHOP's business secrets. With ALBBSHOP's prior written consent, you may not use the aforementioned data or provide the aforementioned data to others in any form for purposes other than those stipulated in this agreement.




3.6.2 [Business Secrets] ALBBSHOP respects and protects the seller’s business secret information such as the transaction volume of the seller’s store, the transaction volume of a certain category or a single product, etc. In order to promote the seller's store or its products, ALBBSHOP can publicly announce the total transaction volume of your store's activities, a certain category or a single product during your participation in ALBBSHOP's official market activities (including "Double Twelve", etc.) The above information can also be used for publicity and promotion.




3.6.3 [Authorized use] Within the scope permitted by law, for the purpose of promoting related products and/or related brands, you agree to grant ALBBSHOP free of charge to publish it to you on the relevant display and promotion pages of ALBBSHOP in each store of your store. Copy (such as displaying simultaneously on multiple clients), modify (such as fine-tuning to adapt to the mobile visual experience), and adapt (such as adding overall activity design elements to the platform) information (including product trademarks, logos, text, pictures, etc.) Translation (such as translation to meet the browsing needs of overseas users) and the right to sublicense third parties to use it for the above purposes and methods.




3.6.4 [Data usage] All official products, technologies, software, programs, data and other information (including text, icons, pictures, photos, audio, video, charts, color combinations, layout design, etc.) launched by ALBBSHOP All rights (including copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets and other related rights) are owned by ALBBSHOP and its affiliates. Except for the data that you have the right to commercially use according to relevant laws, you agree not to commercially use any other data on ALBBSHOP, including but not limited to copying, copying, or copying without ALBBSHOP’s prior written approval. Use any information displayed by other users on the ALBBSHOP site by disseminating or disclosing it to other parties.




3.6.5 [Information Disclosure] Within the scope permitted by law, if consumers or rights holders apply to ALBBSHOP to obtain the name of your store’s operating entity due to reasonable rights protection needs such as complaining to the relevant authorities or suing in court. , ID number, address and contact information, you agree that ALBBSHOP can disclose the aforementioned information to it.




3.6.6 [Personal Information Protection] You must strictly abide by the requirements of laws related to network security and data protection. Among them, if the information you collect, use and share during the operation of the store involves the personal information of ALBBSHOP platform users, you must comply with The principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity shall not violate the provisions of relevant laws and the agreement between you and the user, including: without other authorization from the user, you shall only use the user’s order information and other necessary transaction-related information for It is stipulated in the "ALBBSHOP Privacy Policy" that in order to meet the purpose of users purchasing goods or services and completing after-sales services; it is prohibited to use the user's information without the user's explicit consent or beyond the scope of the user's authorization or to illegally provide the user's personal information to others.


If the information you submit to the platform involves sensitive personal information such as a copy of the company's legal representative's ID card or his ID number, you guarantee that you have obtained the explicit consent of the relevant personal information subject, and that the relevant purpose and behavior are consistent with your wishes and relevant legal requirements.




3.6.7 [Personal Information Security] You should take necessary technical measures to ensure data security. When information security risks occur or may occur, you should immediately take remedial measures, promptly notify users in accordance with regulations, and report to the relevant competent authorities.



3.6.8 [Trade Restrictions] Please pay attention to and strictly abide by laws and regulations related to import and export controls, trade restrictions and economic sanctions that may affect your trading behavior to avoid causing losses to you or buyers, and ensure that you abide by the relevant software applicable to this platform , all laws and regulations related to the import and export of technology and services. Based on the need to maintain the transaction order and transaction security of the ALBBSHOP platform, if you violate the aforementioned commitments, ALBBSHOP may proactively perform operations such as removing products from the shelves and closing relevant transaction orders when discovering the above situation.



3.6.9 [Subject Information] Under this agreement, the ALBBSHOP seller service provider may change according to ALBBSHOP's business adjustments. The changed ALBBSHOP seller service provider will work with you to perform this agreement and provide you with To provide services, the change of ALBBSHOP seller service provider will not affect your rights and interests under this agreement. ALBBSHOP seller service providers may also be added to provide new seller services. If you use the new seller service, you will be deemed to agree that the new ALBBSHOP seller service provider will perform this agreement with you. . When a dispute occurs, you can determine the entity performing the contract with you and the counterparty to the dispute based on the specific services you use and the specific behavioral objects that affect your rights and interests.




4. Cost




4.1 ALBBSHOP has paid a lot of costs for the services that ALBBSHOP provides to you. Except for the charging services expressly stated by ALBBSHOP, the services that ALBBSHOP provides to you are currently free of charge. If ALBBSHOP charges you reasonable fees in the future, ALBBSHOP will take reasonable measures and go through legal procedures in advance within a reasonable enough time and notify you in the manner stipulated in Article 8 of this Agreement to ensure that you have full rights to choose.



5. Limitation of liability




5.1 [Force majeure and third-party reasons] ALBBSHOP performs basic guarantee obligations in accordance with legal provisions, but ALBBSHOP is not responsible for any obstacles to contract performance, performance defects, performance delays or changes in performance content caused by the following reasons. Liability for breach of contract:


(1) Due to force majeure factors such as natural disasters, strikes, riots, wars, government actions, judicial administrative orders, etc.;


(2) Due to power supply failure, communication network failure and other public service factors or third-party factors;


(3) Due to routine or emergency equipment and system maintenance, equipment and system failure, network information and data security and other factors when ALBBSHOP has managed it in good faith.



5.2 [Massive information] In view of the fact that ALBBSHOP has the characteristics of massive information and the separation of information and physical objects in an information network environment, ALBBSHOP does not need to monitor the transaction behavior of all sellers and buyers and related transactions, unless otherwise specified by law. Other matters will be reviewed in advance, but if ALBBSHOP is notified by third parties such as consumers, regulatory authorities, rights holders, etc. or ALBBSHOP discovers that a seller, product or store based on a comprehensive analysis of multi-dimensional big data such as products, transactions or stores If information, etc., has product quality issues, intellectual property infringement, transaction fraud and other illegal/improper behaviors that may violate relevant laws and regulations and this Agreement, you acknowledge that ALBBSHOP makes reasonable judgments on the relevant content based on the general public awareness standards and based on the relevant processes of the platform. , ALBBSHOP may issue inquiries or notices requiring corrections to sellers based on different circumstances, or directly delete relevant information, take restrictive measures against the store, or stop services. Unless ALBBSHOP has intentional or gross negligence, ALBBSHOP is not responsible for the above judgment and processing.



5.3 [Mediation Decision] You understand and agree that in the dispute mediation service, ALBBSHOP's customer service and public reviewers are not professionals and can only judge the certificates submitted by users and/or sellers based on general public knowledge. Therefore, unless there is intentional intention or gross negligence, the mediator is not exempt from liability for dispute mediation decisions.



6. User’s breach of contract and handling



6.1 Determination of breach of contract


If any of the following circumstances occurs, you will be deemed to have breached the contract:


(1) Violating relevant laws and regulations when using ALBBSHOP seller services;


(2) Violate the provisions of this Agreement;


In order to adapt to the development of e-commerce and meet the needs of a large number of users for efficient and high-quality services, you understand and agree that ALBBSHOP may stipulate the procedures and standards for breach of contract determination in the relevant rules of ALBBSHOP. For example: ALBBSHOP can determine whether you have committed a breach of contract based on the relationship between your user data and massive user data; you are obliged to provide sufficient evidence and reasonable explanations for your data anomalies, otherwise it will be deemed a breach of contract.



6.2 Measures for handling breach of contract



[Information Processing] If the information you publish on ALBBSHOP constitutes a breach of contract, ALBBSHOP can immediately delete or block the corresponding information or remove and supervise your products according to the corresponding rules.



[Conduct Restrictions] If the behavior you implement on ALBBSHOP, or the behavior that is not implemented on ALBBSHOP but affects ALBBSHOP and its users, constitutes a breach of contract, ALBBSHOP may enforce your account in accordance with the corresponding rules. Deduction of points, restriction of participation in marketing activities, suspension of provision of some or all services to you, deduction of liquidated damages, etc. If your behavior constitutes a fundamental breach of contract, ALBBSHOP may seal your account and terminate the provision of services to you.



[Disclosure of Disposal Results] ALBBSHOP can publish on ALBBSHOP the information on the measures to deal with the above-mentioned breach of contract as well as other illegal information confirmed by the effective legal documents of the national administrative or judicial authorities.




6.3 Liability



If your actions cause ALBBSHOP and/or its affiliates to suffer losses, you shall perform liability for compensation in accordance with this agreement. The losses (if any) suffered by ALBBSHOP and/or its affiliates that you must compensate include:


(1) Reasonable attorney fees, litigation fees, and necessary expenses to eliminate the impact;


(2) Fines, liquidated damages or compensation for external expenditures due to administrative penalties, judicial judgments, mediation within the scope of legal standards, etc.;


(3) Loss of goodwill and reasonably expected loss of benefits (such as loss of consumers, reduction in spending, reduction in consumption frequency and reduction in store operator income, etc.), the specific amount can be independently and reasonably analyzed by a third party, and ALBBSHOP can reasonably analyze it based on big data Relevant estimation standards derived from other reasonable methods for calculating gains and losses shall be used as the basis for calculation;


(4) Other losses suffered as a result.


If your behavior exposes ALBBSHOP and/or its affiliates and Alipay to claims of rights by a third party, ALBBSHOP and/or its affiliates and Alipay may make full payment to the third party after assuming obligations such as monetary payment. Recover losses from you.


If a third party suffers losses due to your behavior or you fail to fulfill the mediation decision, ALBBSHOP and/or its affiliates may instruct Alipay to withdraw money from your Alipay account for the purpose of protecting social public interests or protecting consumer rights. The corresponding amount will be deducted for payment. If your Alipay balance or deposit is insufficient to pay the corresponding amount, you agree to entrust ALBBSHOP to use its own funds to pay the above amount on your behalf. You should return this part of the fee and compensate ALBBSHOP for all losses caused thereby.


You agree that ALBBSHOP instructs Alipay to deduct the corresponding amount from your Alipay account to pay the above compensation. If the money in your Alipay account is insufficient to pay the above compensation, ALBBSHOP and/or its affiliates can directly offset your rights and interests under other agreements of ALBBSHOP and/or its affiliates, and can continue to pursue compensation.




7. Changes to the Agreement



ALBBSHOP may modify this agreement from time to time in accordance with changes in national laws and regulations and the need to maintain transaction order and protect consumer rights. The changed agreement (hereinafter referred to as "change matters") will go through legal procedures and be stipulated in Article 8 of this agreement. way to notify you. Once the amendments to this Agreement take effect, they will constitute a supplement to the rights and obligations of you and ALBBSHOP and become part of this Agreement.


If you do not agree with the changes, you have the right to contact ALBBSHOP for feedback before the effective date of the changes. If the feedback is adopted, ALBBSHOP will adjust the changes as appropriate.


If you still disagree with the changes that have taken effect, you should stop using ALBBSHOP seller services from the date the changes take effect, and the changes will have no effect on you; if you continue to use ALBBSHOP after the changes take effect, SHOP seller service, it will be deemed that you agree to the changes that have taken effect.



8. Notice



8.1 Valid contact information


When you register as a ALBBSHOP seller and accept ALBBSHOP seller services, you should provide ALBBSHOP with real and effective contact information (including your email address, contact number, contact address, telegram, etc.). For contact information If changes occur, you are obliged to update the relevant information in a timely manner and remain available for contact.


The information generated when you register as a ALBBSHOP platform user is used to log in to the ALBBSHOP platform to receive site messages and system messages, and is also used as your effective contact information.


ALBBSHOP will send you various notices to one or more of your above contact information, and the content of such notices may have a significant positive or negative impact on your rights and obligations, so please be sure to pay attention in a timely manner .



8.2 Delivery of Notices


ALBBSHOP sends notices to you through the above contact methods, including but not limited to announcements on ALBBSHOP, sending mobile text messages to the contact number you provided, sending emails to the email address you provided, and sending information to the Telegram you provided. , it will be deemed to have been delivered after it is successfully sent; written notices sent on paper carriers will be deemed to have been delivered on the fifth natural day after being mailed to the contact address provided.


For any disputes arising from trading activities on ALBBSHOP, you agree that judicial authorities (including but not limited to the People's Court) can serve legal documents to you through mobile phone text messages, emails, modern communication methods such as Aliwangwang, or by mail ( including but not limited to litigation documents). The mobile phone number, email address and other contact information you designate to receive legal documents are the mobile phone number, email address contact information you provided when registering and updating in ALBBSHOP, and the Aliwangwang account generated when registering as a ALBBSHOP user. The judicial authorities will report to the above The legal document issued by the contact information is deemed to have been served. The mailing address you specify is your legal contact address or a valid contact address you provide.


You agree that the judicial authorities may use one or more of the above delivery methods to deliver legal documents to you. The judicial authorities may use multiple methods to deliver legal documents to you. The delivery time shall be based on the earliest delivery method among the above delivery methods. .


You agree that the above service methods are applicable to all stages of judicial proceedings. If it enters litigation procedures, including but not limited to first instance, second instance, retrial, execution and supervision procedures, etc.


You should ensure that the contact information provided is accurate, valid, and updated in real time. If the legal documents cannot be delivered or are not delivered in a timely manner because the contact information provided is inaccurate or the changed contact information is not notified in a timely manner, you will be responsible for the possible legal consequences.




9. Termination of Agreement



9.1 Circumstances of termination




[Termination initiated by the seller] You have the right to terminate this agreement in any of the following ways:


(1) When you meet the account cancellation conditions announced by ALBBSHOP, you cancel your account through the website’s self-service;


(2) You stop using the service before the changes take effect and express your unwillingness to accept the changes;


(3) You expressly express your unwillingness to continue using the seller’s services and meet the ALBBSHOP termination conditions.



[Termination initiated by ALBBSHOP] When the following circumstances occur, ALBBSHOP may notify you to terminate this Agreement in the manner listed in Article 8 of this Agreement:


(1) If you violate the terms of this agreement, ALBBSHOP terminates this agreement based on the breach of contract clause;


(2) If you misappropriate other people's accounts, publish prohibited information, defraud others of property, sell counterfeit goods, disrupt market order, use unfair means to make profits, etc., ALBBSHOP will seal your account in accordance with ALBBSHOP rules;


(3) In addition to the above circumstances, because you have repeatedly violated the relevant provisions of the ALBBSHOP rules and the circumstances are serious, ALBBSHOP has sealed your account in accordance with the ALBBSHOP rules;


(4) You commit fraud on the platform, publish or sell counterfeit/infringing goods, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, or engage in other serious violations of laws and regulations;


(5) Other circumstances that warrant termination of service.



9.2 What to do after the termination of the agreement



[User Information Disclosure] After the termination of this agreement, ALBBSHOP has no obligation to disclose any information in your account to you or a third party designated by you, unless otherwise expressly provided by law.



[ALBBSHOP Rights] After the termination of this agreement, ALBBSHOP still enjoys the following rights:


(1) Continue to save the various types of information listed in Article 3.6 of this Agreement that you have retained in ALBBSHOP;


(2) For your past breach of contract, ALBBSHOP can still pursue liability for breach of contract from you in accordance with this agreement.



[Transaction Processing] After the termination of this agreement, ALBBSHOP can notify the transaction counterparty of the transaction orders you generated during the duration of this agreement and decide whether to close the transaction orders according to the wishes of the transaction counterparty; if the transaction counterparty requires to continue If performed, you shall continue to perform this Agreement and the stipulations of the transaction order with respect to such transaction order, and bear any losses or increased expenses incurred thereby.



10. Applicable law, jurisdiction and others



[Applicable Law] The formation, effectiveness, interpretation, revision, supplement, termination, execution and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People's Republic of China; if there are no relevant provisions of the law, refer to business practices and/or industry practices.



[Jurisdiction] Any disputes arising from or related to your use of this service shall be resolved by ALBBSHOP through negotiation with you. If negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the People's Court with jurisdiction over the defendant's location.



[Severability] If any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be invalid, invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed to be severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.



11. Attachments




Attachment 1: Letter of Commitment to Integrity Management




Appendix 2: Dangerous Goods Compliance Commitment Letter




Annex I:



Integrity Management Commitment Letter




In order to jointly build an honest and transparent online consumption environment, jointly maintain a fair and standardized online business order, and jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of the e-commerce ecosystem, our store (myself) specifically promises the following to the majority of netizens and ALBBSHOP:


1. Do not participate, join, or form any trading credit speculation organization (the trading credit includes product sales, reviews, DSR scores, etc.);


2. Do not engage in any transaction credit speculation, and ensure that the content and transaction credit of each transaction are true and credible, and there is absolutely no fictitious or hype behavior.


3. Do not publish, disseminate or promote any illegal information related to transaction credit speculation, and actively report such illegal information;


4. Actively accept the supervision of the majority of netizens and ALBBSHOP, strictly abide by and actively maintain the rules of the ALBBSHOP transaction credit system;


5. If our store violates the rules of the ALBBSHOP transaction credit system, our store is willing to accept the corresponding measures from ALBBSHOP and bear the relevant responsibilities arising therefrom.


Our store solemnly promises: Our store will always abide by the above commitments, not engage in any form of transaction credit speculation, strictly abide by national laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of ALBBSHOP, and conduct business activities with integrity, fairness and standardization. New false trading rules.





Annex II:


Dangerous Goods Compliance Commitment Letter




This store has clearly understood the following: According to the "Internet Dangerous Goods Information Release Management Regulations", dangerous goods refer to firearms and ammunition, explosives, highly toxic chemicals, explosive precursor dangerous chemicals and other dangerous chemicals, radioactive items, Nuclear materials, control equipment and other items that can endanger personal safety and property safety. The ALBBSHOP platform has formulated corresponding prohibition rules to prohibit members from publishing the above dangerous goods information and trading the above dangerous goods on the ALBBSHOP platform.


Our store solemnly commits to the following: Strictly abide by the "Anti-Terrorism Law", "Cybersecurity Law", "Advertising Law", "Internet Information Services Management Measures", "Computer Information Network International Network Security Protection Management Measures", "Guns Management Law" ", "Regulations on the Safety Management of Civilian Explosives", "Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals" and "Regulations on the Management of Information Release on Internet Dangerous Goods" and other laws, regulations and policy documents, and ensure that the following safety responsibilities are fulfilled:


1. Consciously abide by the current national laws, regulations and policy documents on safety management and hazardous materials management, and actively cooperate with the safety supervision and law enforcement inspection activities carried out by relevant regulatory authorities.


2. Consciously abide by the relevant ban on the sale of dangerous goods on the ALBBSHOP platform, actively carry out self-examination of product information, do not publish, disseminate, or trade the above dangerous goods, and cooperate with the ALBBSHOP platform to target dangerous goods in accordance with regulations Carry out product information and transaction management work.


3. During the release of product information and transaction execution, do not engage in fraud to avoid the management of dangerous goods by relevant regulatory authorities and the ALBBSHOP platform.


4. If the items sold are not dangerous goods, but they can be used to manufacture and use dangerous goods or can be used for illegal purposes, the manufacturing and use methods and illegal uses of relevant dangerous goods will never be introduced. If the buyer is found to be suspected of committing a crime during the transaction, the transaction with the buyer will be stopped immediately and relevant clues will be reported to the relevant regulatory authorities or platform management departments. ​


This store is aware of the above obligations and has made a safety responsibility commitment. If I fail to fulfill the above legal obligations and responsibility commitments, resulting in illegal and criminal activities or other damaging consequences, I will bear corresponding legal responsibilities in accordance with the law.